Thursday, June 24, 2010

1 Month POST-OP...

A month already? I meet with my surgeon today for my 1 month post-op appt. and he said everything looks great! I am down 32 pounds since surgery..whoo-hoo:-) I promise to have my post-op picture by this weekend, we have VBS at church all this week and have been getting home so late like now at 10:30 so I will have it up this weekend. I feel great and my clothes are getting I have to say goodbye to month 1 and hello to month 2..things only look GREAT form here:-)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who's Hungry...

NOT ME! It seems over the past week I have lost that "hungry" feeling. I know that you lose alot of that after surgery but it didn't really start happening until this past week. I have started eating alot more normal foods so that could be an contributing factor too. It's just so nice to not want to eat all the time and after i'm done eating to not be wondering what i'm gonna be eating next. I'll be one month post-op on Sat. and as to date I have lost 29 pounds so maybe by Sat. I can it 30! Wow 30 pounds in 1 month:-) I know it's slowed down and next month might not be as much but it's amazing what i've accomplished already. I can honestly say that having surgery was the right and best choice for me. Now to keep on LOSING!

ps:1 Month Post-Op Pics on Sat.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here is my before pictures, I will be posting 1 month post op sometime this week...

Swimming w/ Steak...

Today has been a great day for 2 reasons, I went swimming:-) and actually ate some steak! We went swimming for about an hour and I did about 15 laps it felt so good to do some exercise other than walking. We had dinner at my parents as we do every Sunday, I asked my mom what she was fixing and was told steak, potato and salad. I thought I was going to be stuck just eating baked potato but she said she got filet's and they were really tender so I figured i'd try it. I took small bites and chewed very well and it was great! It went down and settled perfectly, it was so nice to get eat some meat other than chicken and lunch meat:-) Looks like i'm getting back to my normal diet and I also broke through my stall I was having this past week..2 more pounds GONE! Everyday get easier and i'm loving this choice even more!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Acid Attack...

I have been having the worst acid breakthrough and reflux the past week. It has me up every morning at 3 and staying up at least 1-2 hours to get it calmed down again. I miss sleeping on my stomach:-( having to sit up and sleep is not my idea of sweet dreams! Dr. Webb called me in a prescription today so i'm hoping that this will be my answered prayer and stop my mid-morning wake up calls. I have been doing much better with my eating and protein intake lately, just trying to find what taste good and what I can tolerate has been the biggest things. I met with my dietitian Wed. and she gave me a whole bag of protein powder, drink mix, and all my vitamins, b12 and iron which she said I just needed in case I started feeling weak for any reason. I have been eating some tuna, chicken, mac & cheese, hamburger meat and a wide variety of things. So far so good and I haven't had any problems with my "soft" foods:-) If only this acid would go away life would be grand. As to date i'm about 24 pounds down and 2 1/2 weeks out. I have started playing church softball again, it feels so nice to get out and just have fun while getting some exercise in too. Just running with 20 pounds off is amazing the difference you can feel...I don't really have to many other reports I know I need to post my pre-op picture which hopefully I will get to later tonight or tomorrow but I promise it's coming. Looking forward to the losing side even more!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 Weeks Notice...

Here is where i'm at...I'm eating soft foods almost of any kind..I have some tuna fish that calling my name right I haven't really had a true hunger feeling just seeing and especially smelling makes me "hungry" and wanting to eat it! I haven't thrown up since I was home my first day I haven't had any nausea either..praising the Lord for that. So far I think i'm okay with milk products I can tolerate pudding and the hood calorie countdown milk in my protein shakes. I also had about 4 bites of ice cream at a baseball game and while I didn't get sick I could tell I needed to stop but I think that was form the sugar and not milk. I have actually had soft foods like chicken, turkey, egg etc. and while they have all been fine it does take me a long time to eat them and I can only have about 5 bites tops before I feel full. I started taking a gummy multi-vitamin the "One A Days" until I can get in to see my dietitian which is actually tomorrow and get some regular ones. I do have to take my antacid like my chewable Pepcid Complete as I do tend to have some bad acid at night time. When I was home the first week warm water went down better due to my swelling but now I want ICE COLD water and I can drink it like I use to (it's the only thing that I can do that with) and it's so nice to have just something that I can do the same. I am down 21 pounds! I can't wait to start walking and going back to gym which hopefully will be next week! I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal food and a normal way of eating. I know it will be about 5 months or so before I can truly eat like I should but my baby steps are starting to pay off and I like what I see..especially on the scale:-)