Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 2...

My favorite movie:

Again, I have too many so here are my top 3:

I mean come on what girl doesn't love these:-)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 1...

My favorite song:

This is a tough one I love so much music and so many different types that I can never pick just one song that I love. I'll pick one album that I have been listening to alot lately and that is the Newsboys! Their new album "Born Again" is awesome and I love every song on it! Here's a few videos of my favorites off the album:-)

"Born Again"

"One Shot"

"Remake of Jesus Freak!"

Where's the time...

Where does it go...agh almost a month and no new blog post! I have been super busy getting ready for munchkin to go back to school that I really slacked on my blogging (i'm so sorry:-( Hopefully I will be able to at least up date regularly from now on. I have a new bloggy thing i'm doing it's my 30 day blog journal! I'm going to start it on this blog too so I know that I will have to update and check-in everyday. As for the weight loss update: as of this past Monday I weighed in at 216! That is a loss of 61 pounds in 3 months and 1 week:-) I now weigh less than I have my whole adult life. I am currently in a size 16 and wearing an XL shirt, I have tons more energy and want to get out and walk and jog as much as I can. It's such a life changing thing that it's almost too hard to explain just how awesome it feels! I go for my 3 month post-op visit on the 2nd and I will be posting new pics! I'm so excited to put some new ones up, I like taking pictures again. I found some old pics and i'm going to post those as well just so you can see how much i've changed. Update on my far so good I have not been sick at all and it's pretty much a learning experience with food. I just try new things and if it works it works if not then I know to avoid it but so far so good with pretty much everything. Hair loss has started and while others don't notice I can tell my hair is thinning and falling out a piece here and a piece there. I'm trying to help by taking some extra Biotin so we'll see if it starts helping. That's about all I can think of to update right is my list for my 30 day journal:

Day 1 (Aug. 29) - your favorite song

Day 2 - your favorite movie

Day 3 - your favorite television program

Day 4 - your favorite book

Day 5 - your favorite quote

Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things

Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy

Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 9 - a photo you took

Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you

Day 11 - a photo of you recently

Day 12 - something you are OCD about

Day 13 - a fictional book

Day 14 - a non-fictional book

Day 15 - your dream house

Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)

Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding

Day 19 - a talent of yours

Day 20 - a hobby of yours

Day 21 - a recipe

Day 22 - a website

Day 23 - a youtube video

Day 24 - where I live

Day 25 - your day, in great detail

Day 26 - your week, in great detail

Day 27 - my worst habit

Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse

Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 30 - a dream for the future

Friday, July 30, 2010

50's Nifty....

I have made it to 50 pounds GONE that is:-) It feels so great meeting my (almost) halfway goal. I only have 67 more pounds to go! I am back in my size 16 jeans that I saved from when me and my husband were could not remove the smile from my face about that one. I am generally wearing a size 18 though just to have a lil extra room and I find that each store's size 16's are different. I also moved from a mostly 2x shirt to an XL, oh it's so nice to be able to find shirts and pants in my size at the store without having to search all the racks in hopes that they have that shirt in a 2x or those pants in a 20/22. Everyday does get easier with eating and I am having a lil trouble getting ALL my protein in, but i'm doing the best I can and i'm losing steadily so I think i'm on the right track. The most oddest thing to happen is that I have to remind myself to eat because I really don't get hungry...and that is so funny because it's a complete 180% turn from where I was before. I know i'm healthier, my relationship with food is healthier and I could not be happier:-) Also, can't wait to see Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts when it comes out. I've been trying to find the book to read first thinking of looking on Amazon for it...kinda my life here lately: Eat, Pray, Love!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 Months...

Well 2 months ago I had a surgery that changed my life...I really haven't taken a "wall" 2 month pic like I need to but I do have a couple pics to share of the way i'm looking lately. I finally have people telling me they can see where i'm losing and that is super nice to finally have other people notice:-) I'm still not sure how to take the compliments though I think i'll always think of myself as "big" since I have been that way all my life. I'm anxious to see if that changes or not but without further ado here's my recent pics..

Weight-Loss at 2 months: 47 Pounds-Whoo-Hoo!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How I Know I Made The Right Choice...

It took a normal event the other night for me to realize how I know I made the right choice with having VSG. We were driving back home from our vacation and it was late at night so we had to make a fast food stop for dinner. It was McD's because Logan wanted some chicken nuggets. We were riding along and I finished just the chicken out of my grilled snack wrap and I turned to my husband and said you know how I know that I made the right decision..if given the choice between this chicken and a double cheeseburger, I would have chosen the double cheeseburger. That is how I know I couldn't do it on my own and I needed this to help me lose this weight. Yes that means that I really don't have too much self control when it comes to food and no I didn't but NOW I do. It's made me realize just how unhealthy my food obsession was and just how many wrong choices I was making when it came to what I put in my mouth. Having surgery has made me healthier, happier and head strong especially about food. It was def. the right choice for me!

Can I Get A STAYcation...

We just got back from my 1st vacation since surgery and it was AWESOME! There was nothing better than getting to relax and enjoy my family. The weather was perfect and the resort was unbelievable it was fantastic! I wasn't constantly worrying about food and thinking about our next meal. I only had one time where my sleeve didn't cooperate and that was trying to eat lobster (I think it was too rubbery) so I just stopped eating it and had my scallops instead. I even LOST 4 pounds while on vacation whoo-hoo! We had a great time and can't wait to go back. We have one more trip planned for the summer and i'm not nervous about how i'm going to be now. It's so nice to just enjoy your day and not be thinking about food for most of it. Here's some pics from the trip...and yes I do have my after picture (finally) but i'm going to post it on the 19th for my 2 month update:-)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

1 Month POST-OP...

A month already? I meet with my surgeon today for my 1 month post-op appt. and he said everything looks great! I am down 32 pounds since surgery..whoo-hoo:-) I promise to have my post-op picture by this weekend, we have VBS at church all this week and have been getting home so late like now at 10:30 so I will have it up this weekend. I feel great and my clothes are getting I have to say goodbye to month 1 and hello to month 2..things only look GREAT form here:-)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who's Hungry...

NOT ME! It seems over the past week I have lost that "hungry" feeling. I know that you lose alot of that after surgery but it didn't really start happening until this past week. I have started eating alot more normal foods so that could be an contributing factor too. It's just so nice to not want to eat all the time and after i'm done eating to not be wondering what i'm gonna be eating next. I'll be one month post-op on Sat. and as to date I have lost 29 pounds so maybe by Sat. I can it 30! Wow 30 pounds in 1 month:-) I know it's slowed down and next month might not be as much but it's amazing what i've accomplished already. I can honestly say that having surgery was the right and best choice for me. Now to keep on LOSING!

ps:1 Month Post-Op Pics on Sat.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here is my before pictures, I will be posting 1 month post op sometime this week...

Swimming w/ Steak...

Today has been a great day for 2 reasons, I went swimming:-) and actually ate some steak! We went swimming for about an hour and I did about 15 laps it felt so good to do some exercise other than walking. We had dinner at my parents as we do every Sunday, I asked my mom what she was fixing and was told steak, potato and salad. I thought I was going to be stuck just eating baked potato but she said she got filet's and they were really tender so I figured i'd try it. I took small bites and chewed very well and it was great! It went down and settled perfectly, it was so nice to get eat some meat other than chicken and lunch meat:-) Looks like i'm getting back to my normal diet and I also broke through my stall I was having this past week..2 more pounds GONE! Everyday get easier and i'm loving this choice even more!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Acid Attack...

I have been having the worst acid breakthrough and reflux the past week. It has me up every morning at 3 and staying up at least 1-2 hours to get it calmed down again. I miss sleeping on my stomach:-( having to sit up and sleep is not my idea of sweet dreams! Dr. Webb called me in a prescription today so i'm hoping that this will be my answered prayer and stop my mid-morning wake up calls. I have been doing much better with my eating and protein intake lately, just trying to find what taste good and what I can tolerate has been the biggest things. I met with my dietitian Wed. and she gave me a whole bag of protein powder, drink mix, and all my vitamins, b12 and iron which she said I just needed in case I started feeling weak for any reason. I have been eating some tuna, chicken, mac & cheese, hamburger meat and a wide variety of things. So far so good and I haven't had any problems with my "soft" foods:-) If only this acid would go away life would be grand. As to date i'm about 24 pounds down and 2 1/2 weeks out. I have started playing church softball again, it feels so nice to get out and just have fun while getting some exercise in too. Just running with 20 pounds off is amazing the difference you can feel...I don't really have to many other reports I know I need to post my pre-op picture which hopefully I will get to later tonight or tomorrow but I promise it's coming. Looking forward to the losing side even more!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 Weeks Notice...

Here is where i'm at...I'm eating soft foods almost of any kind..I have some tuna fish that calling my name right I haven't really had a true hunger feeling just seeing and especially smelling makes me "hungry" and wanting to eat it! I haven't thrown up since I was home my first day I haven't had any nausea either..praising the Lord for that. So far I think i'm okay with milk products I can tolerate pudding and the hood calorie countdown milk in my protein shakes. I also had about 4 bites of ice cream at a baseball game and while I didn't get sick I could tell I needed to stop but I think that was form the sugar and not milk. I have actually had soft foods like chicken, turkey, egg etc. and while they have all been fine it does take me a long time to eat them and I can only have about 5 bites tops before I feel full. I started taking a gummy multi-vitamin the "One A Days" until I can get in to see my dietitian which is actually tomorrow and get some regular ones. I do have to take my antacid like my chewable Pepcid Complete as I do tend to have some bad acid at night time. When I was home the first week warm water went down better due to my swelling but now I want ICE COLD water and I can drink it like I use to (it's the only thing that I can do that with) and it's so nice to have just something that I can do the same. I am down 21 pounds! I can't wait to start walking and going back to gym which hopefully will be next week! I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal food and a normal way of eating. I know it will be about 5 months or so before I can truly eat like I should but my baby steps are starting to pay off and I like what I see..especially on the scale:-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

6 Days To Me...

I am finally myself again..ahhhh it feels so nice! I talked to my doctor and he said to start full liquid since i'm doing so good. I have ate: pudding, soft cheese, oatmeal, grits and can't wait to have everything else that's on my list. It's so nice to only eat a 1/4 of something and feel full I have never had that happen before. My swelling is almost gone and I drink and swallow just fine now. I am drinking my protein down which the thicker shakes do still have a lil trouble getting down, it just takes it a while to make it down. I am walking and doing everything I was doing before, we even went to the grocery store yesterday! Life is going so good now and I am happy to report I am now at 260! Last month before pre-op diet I was 280! I wanted to kinda tell my day by day story of post-op so here's up to day 6.

Day 1- In some pain but dealing with it okay. Still on chips and sips but can't hardly swallow them down. I did throw up about 4 times while in the hospital due to the swelling in my throat. Sleeping mostly as the meds are still in my system. Taking it slow but trying to walk a couple mins at a time. I am going to the bathroom but it did take me about 5 mins of sitting there to finally be able to pee! Just resting...later that evening I got to come home..Yipee!

Day 2- Ugh, the worst of my days I think. I did take some pain med this day. Still walking as much as I can, circled the bed I don't know how many times. Trying to keep my fluid in, swelling is still bad in my throat and my sternum hurts with every swallow. Jello and sf popsicles are the only things I can manage to get down. Resting, resting, resting the best thing to do! Not too much pain form my cuts, they are looking okay.

Day 3- Getting slowly better at standing and walking longer. Done taking pain meds and taking liquid tylenol. Still living off jello and my popsicles, although I do notice that luke warm water goes down okay but still have pain in my sternum. Resting as much as I can and walking around as much as I can. Woke up in middle of night with acid oh boy did it hurt! I forgot to take my pepcid before bed, not making that mistake again. Waited about 30 mins and fell back asleep.

Day 4- I have arrived, the first day I finally feel normal! Swelling has gone way down and I can drink and eat my liquids so much better! I slept for the first night all the way through and feel great! I can sleep on my stomach now (just have to be careful rolling over.) Taking no meds except my pepcid! Tried getting some protein in today with a shake. I was able to drink about a 1/4 of it. Walking as much as I want and resting when i'm not. My first full night's felt sooo goood! Cuts are doing good and still not having any pain form them at all.

Day 5- I'm me, I'm me...well just without my stomach! Today has been the best day yet. I am feeling so good! I am able to eat and drink like normal (with a sleeve) and feel my sleeve has finally adjusted and relaxed! I still get gurgles and burp with I drink but I know that's gonna be there for a while. I really haven't had any major discomfort. Took my first trip out of the house to the store. Had to get things for my full liquids week that I start thanks to my doc okaying me to do so! Full nights sleep last night also!

Day 6- FULL LIQUIDS! Today has been GREAT...I had some oatmeal for breakfast. It was so nice to get to chew and swallow something thick! Pudding for a snack (about 3 spoons.) Grits for lunch and then some soft cheese for a snack. I have been doing water and gatorade in between. I did drink my protein shake but it was taking a long time to get down so I might have find another one to try. Today is my first day home by myself with my 19 month old and we're doing fine. I am getting full nights sleep and feeling good when I wake up! I have my 1 week post-op appt. on Thurs. I'm starting to love this sleeve!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well i'm home and resting for the most part. I was released on Thurs. so I only had one night in the hospital:-) It felt so nice to be back home and laying in my own bed. Dr. Webb told Chris that everything went great with surgery and my 1 week post-op is on Thurs. I do have some swelling in my throat/sternum area which means I have to drink VERY, VERY, VERY slowly but other than that praise the lord no complications. I am getting better slowly but surely and seem to be able to drink a lil more everyday. I am mostly concentrated on keeping fluid in and staying hydrated because if I don't then it's back to the hospital for some fluid so i'm doing all I can to avoid that! Protein is the biggest thing i'm lacking right now and i'm trying hard to get my protein shakes in. My inscions are doing great and i'm having hardly any pain from them, which i'm very happy about. I haven't had nay pain meds since my 2nd day home and I really don't feel like i'm going to need to take anymore. While I do wish I was able to drink more i'm happy to be home and doing great! Now i'm going to rest some more:-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


That's how many hours until I will be walking through the hospital doors...agghh! I am filled with so much anxiety and happiness all at the same time. I picked up some last minute things today in preparation for my post-op care here at home the list includes: water bottles with measurements, drink tumbler, chewable GasX, chewable Pepcid AC Complete (I had a hard time choosing between the island fruit or mixed berry) who would have thought you'd seen the day i'd be struggling over that decision. My final pick up will be for my liquid Lora Tab, that hopefully I won't have to take but if the pain gets that bad i'm sure i'll be happy to have it. I still can't believe it's know that it's finally here it really hitting me today. I just hope I can sleep tonight since I have to get up at 4:00:-( It will be worth it though, I know it is! On my next update I will be sleeved..let all you know how it went and how the process was as soon as I can!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Travelin' Light...

I think I have all the things i'm gonna need...what do you guys think? The countdown is on...Wed. can't get here fast enough!

The Beginning...

My I type those words it still seems that it isn't real and i'm just kidding myself to think i'll soon be starting a whole new chapter in my life. My whole life had been about one thing...weight. I have always been "bigger", my whole life has been surrounded and consumed with food. I have a wonderful family and have always had a great life so I can't blame my weight on that. I know food is my addiction, I mean come on when it's good you wanna eat it and eat it ALL! When I was little it didn't affect me much as I was always with other kids who liked me for me and didn't really care about what I looked like. Growing up and getting into boys is really where I started to know that I wasn't just like everyone else. Like most of the time all the boys wanted to date and be around the "skinny" girls. No big deal..I just had lots of friends and didn't really mind that. When I did finally date I was lucky to have dated guys who liked me for me, so I finally found that sometimes some people really do see who's on the inside. So, here I am today 27 years old married to a wonderful man and have 2 amazing kids who are my WORLD! Here's the other side: 273 pounds (as of this morning), back pain, hip pain, breathless and just plain tired. I now weigh more than I ever have in my life, I weighed less when I was pregnant (how sad is that:-( People tell me you don't look that big, well just because I don't look like it doesn't me I don't feel like it. Being overweight is more than just a struggle it's a physical, mental, and emotional melt down and sometimes all of the above happen at one time. As I embark on this new journey I have hope for once in my life, hope that I finally have a tool that will help me with my addiction and my mental yearning for food. I have 1 more day to go until I will be starting the new side of my life..the losing side. I am excited, nervous, happy and sad...i'm loosing more than my stomach, i'm losing a me that i've had for 27 years! I know the struggles will be great and that is the reason I started this blog so I can share those and maybe help someone else in the process. When I see everyone eat a whole big plate of food and get to enjoy all of that deliciousness, will I go crazy? YES! I know I will and I will regret doing the sleeve but I know after the initial shock and anger goes away I will be so thankful. I will rejoice that I can walk in and find pants and shirts that fit. I will jump (literally) for joy when I wake up and my back and hip aren't killing me. I will run and run with my kids and get to see smiles on those little faces knowing that momma can play with them all day long and not be tired and out of breath. I will be happy, healthy and loving the losing side of life! I will be posting at least once daily and posting pictures...I will try to do some videos too. I hope all of you take something away from this..I know I will! Let's start losing (for once it's not a bad thing;-)