Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 Weeks Notice...

Here is where i'm at...I'm eating soft foods almost of any kind..I have some tuna fish that calling my name right now...lol. I haven't really had a true hunger feeling just seeing and especially smelling makes me "hungry" and wanting to eat it! I haven't thrown up since I was home my first day I haven't had any nausea either..praising the Lord for that. So far I think i'm okay with milk products I can tolerate pudding and the hood calorie countdown milk in my protein shakes. I also had about 4 bites of ice cream at a baseball game and while I didn't get sick I could tell I needed to stop but I think that was form the sugar and not milk. I have actually had soft foods like chicken, turkey, egg etc. and while they have all been fine it does take me a long time to eat them and I can only have about 5 bites tops before I feel full. I started taking a gummy multi-vitamin the "One A Days" until I can get in to see my dietitian which is actually tomorrow and get some regular ones. I do have to take my antacid like my chewable Pepcid Complete as I do tend to have some bad acid at night time. When I was home the first week warm water went down better due to my swelling but now I want ICE COLD water and I can drink it like I use to (it's the only thing that I can do that with) and it's so nice to have just something that I can do the same. I am down 21 pounds! I can't wait to start walking and going back to gym which hopefully will be next week! I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal food and a normal way of eating. I know it will be about 5 months or so before I can truly eat like I should but my baby steps are starting to pay off and I like what I see..especially on the scale:-)

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