Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 Months...

Well 2 months ago I had a surgery that changed my life...I really haven't taken a "wall" 2 month pic like I need to but I do have a couple pics to share of the way i'm looking lately. I finally have people telling me they can see where i'm losing and that is super nice to finally have other people notice:-) I'm still not sure how to take the compliments though I think i'll always think of myself as "big" since I have been that way all my life. I'm anxious to see if that changes or not but without further ado here's my recent pics..

Weight-Loss at 2 months: 47 Pounds-Whoo-Hoo!


  1. Congrats! You look great! We are moving along at pretty much the same pace! How fun :) Who knows where we will be in 6 months! Wow.
